Sunday, January 2, 2011

Top New Year's Resolution for 2011 - Lose Weight

As the New Year approaches, many of us begin to examine our year and figure out what we'd like most to change in the new year. Usually, losing weight becomes our first priority in the new year. I came across an article on CNN about some pretty amazing weight loss stories - It's an excellent read if you're looking to lose weight this year. I found videos especially educational, as they suggested that you eat breakfast every morning, eat small portions a day, lessen your empty calorie intake (such as alcohol), and include exercise in your schedule everyday like we do our meetings and appointments.

Their short list of pointers was:

1. Be specific about your goal.
2. Set a realistic goal.
3. Establish a plan to reach your goal.
4. Set a time frame to reach your goal.

There's a video of a guy having weighed 600 pounds, and then dropping over 200 pounds in one year. It's amazing what we can do with discipline and hard work. So, plan your year wisely so that you can reach your goals, in all areas of your life.


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