Monday, January 10, 2011

NEW VIDEO : "Far Away" - Marsha Ambrosius

Now.. I was simply overjoyed to just know that Marsha Ambrosius was beginning to put an extra thrust behind her music career and grace us again, after Floetry. She has an amazing voice, and she's a beautiful artist and soul.

As I began to watch the video, I was loving her make up, her killer heels - I get to the scene where they're in the kitchen. I'm thinking she had been with her boyfriend - another guy comes in the room, I'm assuming that's maybe her brother in the video (I don't know).. When all the sudden, they two guys hug; then kiss.

I'm by NO means homophobic, I just was a little doop'd that's all; in the beginning. It was a great video, and a lovely song that did have a serious undertone and overlaying message. In the end, she shows us the statistics of people dying due to bullying and the amount of people who experience abuse simply due to their sexuality. Regardless of your beliefs, or preferences, it's never right to judge or abuse people for theirs. Check it out for yourself..

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