Saturday, January 8, 2011

14th Amendment Immigration Controversy

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." - US Constitution, 14th Amendment

In recent news, state legislators (this past Wednesday) proposed to add a state compacted amendment in response to the Constitution's 14 Amendment stating that persons born in the United States are automatically granted US Citizenship. This past Thursday, the issue reached the House of Representatives when Steve King (Republican of Iowa) introduced "The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011" to the floor - aimed towards repealing birthright citizenship. This is one of the Nation's major discussions and controversies - and many are debating as to whether or not the Constitution should be amended to not allow children of illegal immigrants to have US Citizenship.

The idea of amending this policy through the State is mostly supported by the Republican Party. Their argument is that this amendment should be followed only when the parents of those born here, in the US, are not here legally. Others, however, argue that there should be a strict adherence to the wording in the Constitution - including the 14th Amendment - and that the children should not have to pay for the faults of their parents.

This issue of Immigration has been an reoccurring issue for years, but is more prevalent right now as our country is in economical turmoil. People are becoming more aware of spending and, more especially, government spending of our tax money. When illegal immigrants are able to make use of government funded programs (aka programs funded by our tax dollars), while not paying any taxes due to their lack of citizenship; US citizens become more in-arms about how to regulate immigration.

Out of desperation, it seems people are fighting to do whatever they can to have more money in their pockets. It's very difficult to look at morality and justice, when you're in a fight to survive on a day-to-day basis. Hopefully, there will be some type of balance when it comes to finding resolve to this issue of illegal immigration.

What do you think?


Stay tuned for news on this matter.

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