Sunday, January 2, 2011

Nutrition Labels for Meat

Apparently at the start of 2012, the nutrition labels that we see on various food packages such as cereal, juice, and many others will be added to the packages of meat that we purchase from the grocery stores.

According to, Marion Nestle (food and nutrition guru) "told USA Today that the labels would "be very helpful to people who are bewildered by what's in meat." But, she predicted, "people will be quite shocked at the calories and fat.""

Call me crazy - but, I don't quite understand why it already hasn't been put in place. I believe sometimes we put too much faith on people who package our food and just assume that because it's offered at the grocery store that it's healthy to eat. Just because the USDA approves it for consumption, doesn't mean that we should eat it. It certainly doesn't make it healthy or mean that it hasn't been stuffed with hormones or whatever else that may be helping the merchants gain more revenue.

So, in 2011 let's be careful of what put in our bodies. The law won't come into place until early 2012, in the meantime. Check out the source for ways that you can figure out exactly how much fat and other nutrients are in the meats that you typically purchase from the grocery store.


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