Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rundown: Michelle Williams Hosts Tuscana Saturdays Tonight

Tonight - Saturday, March 5, 2011 - You can find Michelle Williams, former member of Destiny's Child, hosting Tuscana Saturdays at Tuscana Lounge (1350 L Street NW). The latest news about this Gospel beauty is that she is currently touring in a stage production entitled, What My Husband Doesn't Know (Source). In the production, she plays a woman named Lena Summer who seemingly has a perfect life with a hard working man and access to all the material things she desires. However, she ultimately longs to spend quality time with her husband and due to his busy schedule gets very little. In the play, her character decides whether or not to have an affair to satisfy the void in her relationship.

She's performed in quite a few Broadway Shows, and is also said to be coming out with her fourth album this year! If you're a fan, you may want to stop by Tuscana Lounge tonight to meet her in person. Stay tuned to InsiderNights Events Listing for more information and updates!

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