Sunday, December 26, 2010

DMV Stand Up for Wale

I’m sure – by now – you’ve heard the widespread snippet of Wale going off on 92Q about their interview with Bossman along with Bossman’s Diss to Wale. will be the first to stand up and say it – This was one of the realest moments of radio history where an artist stands up and says, in essence: I represent you, I create my music, I support your brand; and you have the audacity to showcase this disrespect in my own city (Correction: Region).

I do realize that radio is meant to entertain, but to what extent. I do believe there is a limit to the commentary and level of importance. Secondly, it’s certainly time to stop giving artists the platform to boost their career off of dissing another’s. If you can’t create your own story and lyrical content without putting another artist’s name on the title or subtitle – Sit down.

With that said- If you haven’t heard it as of yet – Here it is.

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